Interview Tips

Want a Stellar Job Interview? Follow These Tips to Land Your Dream Job .

With national unemployment rates high, you have to apply for more jobs than ever to get a call back from perspective employers. If you receive a call, you are already doing well by making it through the rigorous screening processes and employee selection processes of employers these days; however, the tough part is only beginning. Once you have an opportunity to sit down for an interview with an employer, it is important that you know how to ace the interview and with the employer over. Below are the top three tips to having a successful interview.

#1 Be Prepared

The worst mistake you can have is to show up to an interview without being prepared. Be sure to do your research for both the position you hope to fill and the company itself. If they are highly involved in overseas growth or if they are making a strong push to become more green friendly, then these are thing you must know! Not only is it a great taking point, but it is most likely important to the company and a quality the employer is seeking in their employees.

#2 Look the Part

The second worst mistake you can make is showing up to the interview looking like a slob. You do not need to be a millionaire to dress well. Outlet stores and thrift shops have great bargains on suits and dress shirts. Be sure to select appropriate attire for the position and remember it is better to be overdressed than under dressed.

#3 Ask Questions

Most likely the manager whom is conducting your interview has been through this process with several other people fighting for the same position. You must do something to stand out and be memorable to the employer. A great way to do this is to interact. Ask questions about the company, the position, and the manager themselves. If you can get to know them on a personal level and make a solid connection, chances are you will stick out when all they have in front of them is the list of applicants. Remember to ask well thought out questions, but be sure to avoid asking too many questions about compensation on the first interview.
Follow these three tips on your next interview, and chances are you will have a great job offer on the table.